Direct-to-Brain Windows and Remote Neuron Reading and Writing


There are many public clues that remote neuron reading and writing go far back in history- even as far back as the 1500s as crazy as that sounds.

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Possibly the earliest potential reference to remote neuron reading I can find (from William Byrd's 1589 song).

William Byrd's "Songs of Sundrie Natures" is the earliest evidence I have yet found for neuron reading.
Byrd writes: "Your minde is light", and "the Sunne with his beames", "we were out and he was in"
Byrd's song ends with "Two dayes before it was begoonne" which may imply that two centuries before 1589 - which would be 1389 is the origin of remote neuron reading- that is seeing eye and thought-images in infrared and/or radio light. But also - the understanding that everything is made of light. This song also contains the word "gravitie" 100 years before Newton.

One version
Music of song
Another version with typos
All I can say is that it becomes somewhat easier over time to recognize the language of those who receive direct-to-brain windows- even though the excluded never actually hear it out loud. 1500 or even 1200 for that matter seem like a ridiculously long time ago, and are viewed as a stone age to most people - but knowing that remote neuron reading and writing is easily 200 years old - you can see that wealthy people who developed this technology could have simply kept it to themselves - and viewed poor and middle-income people (those who must work for money) with very little concern. Now, in the 2000s, clearly many poor people receive direct-to-brain windows but the poor may have been excluded for centuries- and most poor, middle and even some wealthy humans still are completely unaware and may fill some sadistic, abusive, and highly sexually pleasing entertainment purpose for those who do distribute and receive direct-to-brain windows.

1678 CE

Jan Swammerdam contracts a frog leg muscle using two different metals.

It may be that the exponential organized (government-military-university) secret research into remote neuron reading and writing - none of which gets published - starts around this time - from 1600-1700 CE. If true, then almost all science after here - Galvani, Joe Henry reporting radio in 1820, Heinrich Hertz, etc. is actually probably neuron consumers publishing old findings, or excluded re-inventing secret findings of the past.

Although, very minor, a hint that there were "insiders" and "outsiders" at this time can be found in a 1980 book "Norton Anthology of Western Music" which states of Henry Purcell's opera "Dido and Aeneas": "...It was first performed in 1689 by the pupils at a girl's boarding school in Chelsea, a suburb of London, with a few outsiders probably pressed into service for the men's parts. ...".

1791 CE
Luigi Galvani publishes his very important experiments involving making frog leg muscles contract using electricity by putting the frog leg in between one plate of copper and one plate of tin. This will lead to the first electric battery. In addition, Galvani describes the first known pulbic description of remote neuron writing, when he explains how he connected a metal scalpel to a frog leg nerve, and then created a spark at a distant spark generator which causes the frog leg muscle to twitch. Simply stated, light from the spark collides with the metal scalpel and through the photoelectric effect creates an electric potential (also known as a voltage) in the attached frog leg nerve which causes an electric current and the frog leg muscle to contract. This will lead to the first publicly demonstrated remote neuron writing devices which are much smaller, and much much more advanced.

The word "galvanize" is taken from Galvani's name, but as we will see, "galvanize" may also have a darker secret meaning - a person who was "galvanized" may be a person that was murdered using secret remote neuron writing beam technology- for example, perhaps they were suffocated by simply remotely holding their lung muscles.

1785 CE
Henry Cavendish uses the phrase "to throw great light on the subject" in his famous paper in which air is shown to be a mixture of gases, not a single element.
It's minor, but in epochal papers many times there are iconic phrases used. There is a double-meaning on "throw light on the subject" (subject as topic, and as subject of a monarchy, and light thrown on a subject and on a person- as in remote neuron writing).
Henry Cavendish, "Experiments on Air.", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (1776-1886), Volume 75 - 1785, 372-384 Henry Cavendish, "Experiments On Air", Philosophical Transactions, Vol 74, 1784, pp119-153.
1800 CE
In 1800, the first publicly known "invisible light" was demonstrated by famous astronomer William Herschel.
William Herschel, who had earlier discovered planet Uranus does an experiment measuring temperature using a thermometer in various parts of the spectrum of sunlight- the closest star to us here on earth, and he finds that the invisible part, past the color red heats the thermometer the highest. This is the first recorded description of "infrared light", light with an infrared frequency, a frequency of light that we humans cannot visibly see.
9/14/1814 CE
"The Star Spangled Banner" contains a possible early d2bw hint with the opening line: "oh say can you see?"- perhaps alluding to if a d2bw consumer is allowed to tell their d23bw denied friend that they do in fact see and hear their thought images and audios. We may reach the stage where the d2bw consumers are allowed by their inet service providers to acknowledge to the very few d2bw denied that ask (or perhaps d2bw denied immediate relatives and loved ones), that yes they do in fact receive d2bw, an allowance that is apparently not currently allowed and admited by only the most daring (for exmaple I have definitely heard d2bw consumer people say "I hear you" or "I see you". Kind of interesting that the national anthem for the USA might contain a hint or gentle protrost about the secret of d2bw, maybe even without the author being aware of it.

1816 CE
Joseph Niepce makes the first publicly known photograph. One fascinating part of the science of remote neuron reading and writing is that large amounts of information, image and sound recordings can be transmitted and received to and from brains without even a single so-called "hard copy" ever being made public- such a system could go on for centuries without a single physical recording or reproduction of any information sent reaching public eyes or ears.
1825 CE
The heat from nerves is measured by English surgeon Everard Home.
1827 CE
Harrison Gray Dyar makes an electric dot printer, electricity passes through litmus paper causing a red dot to be printed on paper.

Also in this year Andre Marie Ampere publishes his famous paper in which current carrying wires physically repell or attract each other depending on the direction of their currents. One paragraph in this famous work contains a sentence using the words (in French) "suggest" and "muscle contraction" which may be evidence that people have already figured out how to remotely trigger individual neurons to fire by this time.
Ampere writes (translated to English):
"Throughout history, whenever hitherto unrelated phenomena have been reduced to a single principle, a period has followed in which many new facts have been discovered, because a new approach in the conception of causes suggests {D2BW possible hint: notice very early use of suggest" suggère"} a multitude of new experiments and explanations. It is thus that Volta's demonstration of the identity of galvanism and electricity was accompanied by the construction of the electric battery with all the discoveries which have sprung from this admirable device. Judging from the important results of the work of M. Becquerel on the influence of electricity in chemical compounds, and that of MM. Prevost and Dumas on the causes of muscular contraction {D2BW possible hint: Again "muscular contraction", "contractions musculaires" coupled with "suggestion" may be an early hint at the secret science of remote neuron activation}, it may be hoped that their discovery of new knowledge over the past four years and its reduction to a single principle of the laws of attractive and repellent forces between electric conductors, will also lead to a host of other results which will establish the links between physics, on the one hand, and chemistry and even physiology, on the other, for which there has been a long-felt need, though we cannot flatter ourselves for having taken so long to realize it. (from 1832 CE
An article in the early days of the American Journal of Science uses a lot of potential rnraw keywords in talking about Nobili and Melloni using a thermo-multiplier to detect heat from objects at a distance. All living animal brains emit low frequencies of light in the form of heat (which are infrared frequencies of light), might the sound in our thought audio be emitted as light that reveals those audio frequencies? Isn't it unusual to see "Belloni", an apparent typo of "Melloni" right in the first sentence- and how there is an apparent double meaning in modern terms because of "Bell" which relates to Alexander Graham Bell and the Bell telephone company, and "Bologna" which can mean a deception, lie, fraud, etc. but can also relate to one of the earliest universities and centers for science in Italy- the U of Bologna. But Bell will not patent a telephone until 1876. Absolutely, it could be just coincidence, but on the other hand perhaps the Bell family had a long tradition in remote neuron reading and writing microscopic communication devices before Alexander publicly patented a telephone? Notice also the word "appreciate"- with the possible double meaning on how those especially chosen to receive d2bw, if such people do, may become addicts of d2bw, who after experiencing the wonders of hearing thought-audio and seeing inside houses and heads, come to "appreciate" even the tiniest d2bw thought-hearing and seeing service. The word "appreciate" may be a play on the syllable"pre-she-ate" which could possibly relate to how they may see poor women murdered ("before she ate it") and the murderers go unpunished- already in 1831. It is, of course, just speculation, and could very easily just be coincidence. We definitely need to be opened minded to catch any potential historical hinting, but yet remember that this is of course, all guesswork, and we very likely could be wrong in any and even many of these theories. But there is nothing wrong with speculating and theorizing, in particular in an age where million still firmly believe in supernatural dieties and magical messiahs.

See the full article at:
"New instruments for measuring heat", American Journal of Science and Arts, Volume 22, 1832, p370-

1846 CE
John Thomas Perceval, son of murdered Prime Minister of England Spencer Perceval, was apparently excluded, had some kind of outburst, and was held in 2 psychiatric buildings for about 4 years. After being released Perceval published two books (1838,1840), and spent his life working to grant people locked in hospitals better protection against wrongful confinement and medical experiments; safeguards on invasive treatment without consent; abolition of private asylums; greater rights for patients; more say for patients in decisions about their treatment; a better class of attendants in asylums; freedom of correspondence for patients; and greater involvement of clergy in asylums.- Basic freedoms which are still not granted to modern people event today. I have lumped all my views into "consent-only health care"- people are still electrocuted involuntarily, held for years without any trial, without any charge, without any sentence, tied to tables with 4-point restraints (Perceval states this in his book too) with less room to move than a dog on a leash.
In his 1846 work the Visitors' Book of Bethlem Hospital several possible hints about secret direct-to-brain windows technology, he writes:
"Amongst the most painful of these circumstances was the constant sight of heavy bars to my window, ...I think the Committee might safely remove these bars, and substitute windows with small sashes in iron frames-or adopt in some cases, the plan pursued in many private asylums, of having Venetian blinds to the windows. ...". Note the potential double meaning of "bars to my window" - as if he has been barred from receiving direct-to-brain windows- which could be evidence that even as early as 1846, direct to brain windows may have been called "windows" - long before Windows 3.1 or the X-Windows of AT&T's UNIX. Note also the phrase "blinds to the window" - it conjures the view of blind people being let to the window- perhaps an analogy that d2bw denied people, so-called d2bw denied and d2bw blind people should be lead to receiving those direct-to-brain windows. He goes on to write: "...I consider that society or the Legislature, who shut up patients not only for their own benefit ... but for the benefit of society as well . . . in a manner are compelled, in doing so, to violate the liberty of the subject...". We all of course recognize the phrase "shut up" as a phase often used by those trying to keep a secret. Here, notice again, that the phrase "shut up" has multiple meanings - being locked up, but also shutting up about talking about direct-to-brain windows and the remote neuron reading writing secret- perhaps a technology that was quite developed already by the 1800s. It's obvious that any owners and operators of nanocamera and neuron technology, want to preserve their monopoly on the recording, transmitting, and receiving of thought images, sounds and information. In addition, there may be a third meaning to "shut up": the idea that psychiatric imprisonment could be used to shut up or lessen the popularity of people who hold view in opposition to those people in power.
Other hints are minor but one is "That he knew all my thoughts, ..." and "my necessities, were not once consulted, I may say, thought of." - note the phrase "I may say" - which may suggest that he does or does not have permission to reveal some insider information. Later he writes "I cannot say ..." which is somehwat common, but still, a thoughtful writer will try to maximize the many meanings and shades of the message they are trying to communicate by choosing words that may suggest multiple helpful meanings.
Szasz, Thomas (editor) (1975 (1973)). The Age of Madness: A History of Involuntary Mental Hospitalization Presented in Selected Texts. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. ISBN 0710079931.

1861 CE
The first microphone, speaker, and telephone is invented by Johann Philipp Reis in Germany. Sound is converted to electricity and back to sound again.
A microphone converts variations in sound (air pressure) into variations in electric current, which can be carried over long distances in metal wire, and then converted back into the air vibrations of sound using a speaker.
Sound can be sent farther as electric current in a wire than mechanically in air and travels silently.
When I think of- what group of people, organization of company would be a good candidate for controlling some kind of direct-to-brain windows communication system, of course, an obvious guess would be telecom companies. After all they own all the wires that make up telephone and Internet communication. They are the administrators of millions and millions of telephone audio and Internet video phone calls. What better candidate would their be for a group of people that research and manufacture devices relating to communication, that presumably must store terabytes and terabytes of image and sound and perhaps smell and other kinds of digital recordings. Yes, the phone company, who ever would have thunk it?

William Huggins uses the word "remote" prominently as the last word in the second paragraph of this famous paper. The last word in a paragraph could, in theory, be used, to drop secret insider hints. In addition, spelling out the first letter of each word at the end of a paragraph might be a potential technique to convey important secret info to an excluded public. But ofcourse, it is pure speculation and theory. Huggins was the first person to describe the spectral lines of nebulae, and that they are different from those of stars being sparse and representative of gases. So this is a very important published work in terms of the history of science. This use of the keyword "remote" in a "famous first" scientific paper could very well be evidnece that remote neuron reading and writing was somewhat potentially common by 1864. He could have used the word "distant" but chose "remote" instead, and it is interesting how the word "remote" has come to be used to describe invisible particle technology- like the "remote control" to the television- so maybe there is a "remote control" to a nearby animal- including the animal called "human". Here is the paper:
William Huggins, William Allen Miller, "On the Spectra of Some of the Nebulae. By William Huggins, F.R.A.S. A Supplement to the Paper 'On the Spectra of Some of the Fixed Stars William Huggins F.R.A.S., and W. A. Miller, M.D., LL.D., Treas. and V.P.P.S."', Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (1776-1886), Volume 154, 1864, p437-444 (and plate 10). AND

1869 CE
Very early evidence of neuron reading and writing can be seen in the 01/30/1869 letter by one "J.T.K." to the Editor of "The Spectator". Very early evidence of neuron reading and writing can be seen in the 01/30/1869 letter by one "J.T.K." to the Editor of "The Spectator". This is the first clear description of the idea of recording a thought-image that I am aware of. Note that this is event before Hertz will show and tell the world about low frequency invisible light called radio. Knowles writes: "Why might not such undulations, when meeting with and failling upon duly sensitive substances, as if upon the sensitized paper of the photographer, produce impressions, dim portraits of thoughts, as undulations of light produce portraits of objects?" Note that by 1869 the transition from the corpuscular theory of light to the transverse wave or "undulatory" theory for light has already been fixed in the mind of much of the public. Note too, that even today, there is no talk about any kind of "thought image" - thought made of images? How novel! I don't remember the great Freud or Jung mentioning any such thing as a thought-image for all the accolades they routinely receive. The only reason we know that this is James Knowles, for whom I can find no portrait of, is from an article 30 years later titled: 'Wireless Telegraphy and "Brain Waves"'. Wireless Telegraphy and "Brain Waves" This article is highly recommended reading for any of you that see very little if any d2bw because there are numerous descriptions and hints about what those lucky d2bw chosen few insiders may see in their eyes - including in particular possible hints regarding the neuron writing "suggesting" abuses done to outsiders. Fo example, there may be hints about how neuron reading and writing is used to trick women into sex, trick men into doing violence, unusual activities that make them appear "insane", how letters are put together to spell words, and many other hints.

In this article the mysterious name "Potter" appears which may hint that "Potter" means something- but of course everything is total guess-work to the extreme.
1873 CE
James Maxwell recognizes all frequencies of light are part of 1 spectrum?
1875 CE
The earliest known "direct neuron reading" (the electricity in nerve cells measured)[1] and the earliest published recording of sensory evoked electric potentials measured on the brain[2]. Physiologist David Ferrier measures changes in electric current on the brains of rabbits and monkeys in response to chewing and light being shown into their eyes. One wonders if Ferrier ever thought "gee has someone maybe figured this out a long time ago?"
(note in the reporting of the report the phrase "...we reproduce it here..." perhaps hinting about the shocking importance of being one of the lucky recipients of d2bw service, seeing perhaps, how many and perhaps most of those who remain denied are mostly prevented from reproducing anything other than the lies and terrible advice presumably remotely written on their brains.)

[1] Richard Caton, "The Electric Currents of the Brain", British Medical Journal, 1875, V2, p278.
[2] Emmanuel Donchin, "Average Evoked Potentials Methods, Results and Evaluations", NASA, 1969
1876 CE
Alexander Graham Bell invents a telephone (although over 10 years after Philip Reiss in Germany demonstrated his telephone). As the telegraph and then telephone wired network grows, it cannot be ruled out, that powerful and wealthy people could use their wealth and influence to get access to the growing customer base of phone call recordings. In addition, payment for such recordings could be used to develop more technology to get even more, otherwise, private, personal, and secret information from clients using their telephones to discuss important and interesting plans. For example, perhaps the telephone company could install microphones or hidden cameras inside houses, but really the easiest way to get microphones and cameras inside peoples homes would be to have them be 1) very small- too small to see with the naked eye, 2) powered by ambient light, and 3) totally wireless - including having propulsion and steering so that such listening and seeing devices could be flown into people's houses using remote control very discreetly with very little possibly of being detected or caught. It seems likely that people in the various governments of earth, in particular the military and police portions might desire to monitor supposed criminals and all of their associates. In addition, news companies and business investing companies would have a vested interest in seeing and hearing what the public is doping, saying, and thinking. Perhaps one or more wireless nanometer scale devices could follow each individual person around, capturing images and audio reflecting off of and emitting from their body- the visual image, the douns of them talking, the image of what they might be thinking of on their thought bubble, and any audio that they might be thinking. WIth such technology it would be easy to get early insider information on important events, and to know the truth about violent murders, often long before they are planned to occur.
Given the currently apparent wide scale nature of d2bw it seems very likely that at some point entire neighborhoods and cities will be wired with microphones, cameras, thought seeing-hearing-and sending devices.
Perhaps images and microphone data will be sent initially by wire, but it must be very soon after that, when wireless devices take over everything being much easier to fly into houses without getting caught. So where might all this info from these tiny device be getting sent? There would presumably be some kind of central receiving stations, like modern day cellular towers that could then send all that data over a wired connection to some kind of headquarters and storage facility. So who has wiring all over the planet earth? There are really only the phone and electric companies that have the infrastructure to accomodate moving all the data involved from a systematic populating of devices with cameras, microphones, and neuron reading and writing capability inside all the house and heads of earth, then sending the data over their wires, presumably to their recording devices. So, figuring out who rechnically runs and maintains any kind of massive surveillance system, at least, at the hardware level is pretty simple: it could really only be the phone companies, that is, in the United States, AT&T and Verizon. Nobody else has the wired infrastructure necessary to receive and store all that data. Certainly the federal government could heavily influence the phone companies, but on the other-hand, with so much secret and important information, it cannot be ruled out that the phone companies could heavily influence the federal government, not to mention the minds of the voting public themselves.
1881 CE
Shelford Bidwell sends and prints photographic images electronically using selenium cells. This is both a fax and photocopier - although apparently only working in black and white.
Also noteably in 1881 Albert Michelson proves the theory of an aether medium for light to be incorrect and openly rejects it citing the financial support of Alexander Graham Bell.
1885 CE
The Pickerings, famous Bostonian astronomers of Harvard publish theories about "information about "thought-transference", perhaps trying to open the discussion about sending and receiving thought images and sounds. British chemist and physicist William Crookes will describe the possibility of technologically-assisted thought transfer two years later in 1887. Were they, perhaps included in some kind of secret d2bw system, or perhaps excluded from d2bw, but smart enough to recognize the possibility of remote neuron reading and writing in the late 1800s?
Pickering, Edward Charles. "Possibility of Errors in Scientific Researches, Due to Thought-Transference." Proceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research 1 (1885).

Thomas Edison describes the first publicly known sending and receiving of text message by light particles (wireless). Edison patent 465,971, "Means for transmitting signals electrically"
1887 CE
Heinrich Hertz publicly explains "electrical resonance" (allows specific ranges of frequencies of light particle beams to be filtered). This greatly popularizes the idea of particle (wireless) communication. Many people wrongly credit Hertz with inventing radio communication - Hertz' big contribution was going public with tuning in specific frequencies by electrical resonance and publicizing radio as a method of communication. Like Philip Reiss, the first to go public with the telephone, Hertz died at an unusually young age- might they have been somehow remotely murdered as punishment for "ratting" to the public about secret technology?

William de Wiveleslie Abney is the first to invent a photographic material (emulsion, a mixture of 2 chemicals) that works for infrared light (the silver compound turns black when contacted with light particles with infrared spacing). If low frequency light particles are emitted from the brain by the heat made from electrical current from the sounds of thought-audio in principle such photographic emulsions could be used to capture and playback those thought-audio heat emissions.
1889 CE

Alexander Graham Bell is in business connecting people's houses with wires and telephones. Perhaps around this time, the administrators of Bell Telephone, and no doubt, many others, may start to realize the immense potential value of recording the phone call signals on their wires.
1889 CE
William Friese-Greene describes capturing photographs from the eye, and hypothesizes about capturing images from the eye from behind the eye. William Friese-Greene, "Photographs Made with the Eye", Photographic Times, 1889. (and see movie "The Magic Box")

John Jacob Astor IV (a wealthy member of the famous Astor family who died on the HMS Titanic) publishes "A Journey in Other Worlds: A Romance of the Future" which has numerous hints about RNRAW and D2BW. For example this part on page 321: '"I wonder," thought Ayrault, "on which hand we shall be placed in that last day."

"The classification is now going on," said the spirit, answering his thought, "and I know that in the final judgment each individual will range himself automatically on his proper side."

"Do tell me," said Ayrault, "how you were able to answer my thought."

"I see the vibrations of the grey matter of your brain as plainly as the movements of your lips; in fact, I see the thoughts in the embryonic state taking shape."'

Astor is thought to be one of the richest people on earth at the time of his death from the sinking of the Titantic in 1912.

1895 CE
Wilhelm Roentgen reports on finding of x-rays, to his great credit, he refuses to patent.
1897 CE
William Crookes states publicly that x-rays could be possibly used in the science of telepathy, in addition to potentially dropping numerous hints.
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research vol 12, 1897, p338.
Crookes writes: "...It seems to me that in these rays {xrays} we may have a possible mode of transmitting intelligence, ...Let it be assumed that these rays, or rays even of higher frequency, can pass into the brain and act on some nervous centre there. ... In this way some, at least, of the phenomena of telepathy, and the transmission of intelligence from one ... to another through long distances, seem to come into the domain of law..."
1898 CE

"The War of the Worlds" by H. G. Wells contains the earliest description of a beam weapon, a "heat ray", which is used by the Martians to kill people and destroy property. Wells writes: "Slowly a humped shape rose out of the pit, and the ghost of a beam of light seemed to flicker out from it. Forthwith flashes of actual flame, a bright glare leaping from one to another, sprang from the scattered group of men. It was as if some invisible jet impinged upon them and flashed into white flame. It was as if each man were suddenly and momentarily turned to fire. Then, by the light of their own destruction, I saw them staggering and falling, and their supporters turning to run. I stood staring, not as yet realising that this was death leaping from man to man in that little distant crowd. All I felt was that it was something very strange. An almost noiseless and blinding flash of light, and a man fell headlong and lay still; and as the unseen shaft of heat passed over them, pine trees burst into fire, and every dry furze bush became with one dull thud a mass of flames. And far away towards Knaphill I saw the flashes of trees and hedges and wooden buildings suddenly set alight. It was sweeping round swiftly and steadily, this flaming death, this invisible, inevitable sword of heat. I perceived it coming towards me by the flashing bushes it touched, and was too astounded and stupefied to stir. I heard the crackle of fire in the sand pits and the sudden squeal of a horse that was as suddenly stilled. Then it was as if an invisible yet intensely heated finger were drawn through the heather between me and the Martians, and all along a curving line beyond the sand pits the dark ground smoked and crackled."
Wells,Herbert George. The War of the Worlds. Germany, B. Tauchnitz, 1898.

1899 CE
James Knowles reprints his "Brain-Waves: A Theory" article with a preface, and reveals his name as the original author of the 1869 article. Wireless Telegraphy and "Brain Waves"
L. Frank Baum publishes the book "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz", which may be a metaphor for the confrontation that occurs when the public finally sees and uncovers all of the lies, tricks, and deceptions of those who own and control RNRAW and D2BW, but it also serves as a metaphor for the public becoming wise to the lies of religions and religious authority, like Popes, Priests, Televangelists, etc. The book will be made into a major movie in 1939 which has the iconic phrase "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!". Which, perhaps by happy coincidence, includes the letters "att" in the word "attention". Notice how a major part of the book, how everyone has to wear "green spectacles" is missing from the movie. Might the spectacles be referring to a large portion of our future, where the stubborn D2BW administration still refuses to go public with nanocameras, rnraw devices, and d2bw, so much of the public is stuck in an in between stage of having to wear the equivalent of a "Google glass", some kind of wearable device that emulates direct-to-brain windows where people can see semi transparent windows in their eyes relatively conveniently. Perhaps such a headset could show who does receive D2BW to help those denied to gain a little more info about those around them.
Why do the people have to wear green spectacles?
The Wizard of Oz explains:
"Just to amuse myself and keep the good people busy I ordered them to build this City, and my palace; and they did it all willingly and well. Then I thought as the country was so green and beautiful I would call it the Emerald City and to make the name fit better I put green spectacles on all the people so that everything they saw was green. ...
when you wear green spectacles why of course everything you see looks green to you. The Emerald City was built a great many years ago for I was a young man when the balloon brought me here and I am a very old man now. But my people have worn green glasses on their eyes so long that most of them think it really is an Emerald City ..."
L. Frank Baum, "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz", 1900.
1901 CE
1901 CE: William Rollins proves that x-rays can kill a guinea pig. Rollins proves clearly that particle beam devices can be a seriously harmful weapon, although rnraw devices that can involuntarily contract muscles use a different method, they too, of course, also can be very lethal, and can cause a much faster death.
Rollins, W. X-light kills. Boston med. surg. ]., 1901, 144, 173.

1903 CE
Thomas Edison shows the public his first moving film "The Great Train Robbery"
1904 CE


Sascha (Alexander) Schneider (1870-1927)
1904; Photogravure
L. Schmidt, Bamberg

Sascha Schneider was a homosexual German painter who made a few paintings that show what appears to be some kind of particle beaming onto people as well as particle beams apparently eminating from the heads of people. Homosexuality is very likely a common excuse to exclude people, and perhaps not surprisingly, many D2B suggestions on excluded are to do homosexual activities. In particular it seems likely that some d2bw providers beam same gender sexual suggestions onto the brains of d2bw denied humans that are perceived to be enemies, some of whom are no doubt targeted simply because of their honest truth-telling nature, much like those persecuted by religious zelots: Galileo, Geordano Bruno, and Michael Servetus to name only a tiny few of the many.
Notice that similar to looking at a bright light with the eyes closed, some light can reach the eye and be seen even when the eye lid is shut. In addition, after staring at a bright window shade, and then closing your eyelids or looking away, the image of the blinds and the window stays on the eye screen for a few seconds. Note too that the hooded figure may be a theme to depict the neuron writers throughout the long history of those in the secret club of neuron reading and writing.

I don't know the date or title of this painting by Schneider.

1906 CE

Illustrations by Henrique Correa for the H. G. Wells book "The War of the Worlds" show beam weapons.
1909 CE
Early potential evidence of neuron reader and writer devices that are microscopic in size: in a famous paper, Jean Perrin uses the word "thought" when talking about dust particles. This is in a famous paper about the Brownian motion implying that molecules are real objects and supporting an atomic view of the universe.
Perrin writes: "The singular phenomenon discovered by Brown did not attract much attention. It remained, moreover, for a long time ignored by the majority of physicists, and it may be supposed that those who had heard of it thought it analogous to the movement of the dust particles, which can be seen dancing in a ray of sunlight, under the influence of feeble currents of air which set up small differences of pressure or temperature. When we reflect that this apparent explanation was able to satisfy even thoughtful minds, we ought the more to admire the acuteness of those physicists, who have recognised in this, supposed insignificant, phenomenon a fundamental property of matter."
Notice, the phrase "feeble currents of air" which could be hinting about feeble currents of electricity from light that could be used by sophisticated so-called "micromem" devices. In the English translation by Soddy the phrase "attract much attention" which may be a double-word score on "ATT" which of course could be just coincidence. Also possible keyword "reflect" is used which can be used to reduce the potentially inaccurate claims of diffraction, interference, and refraction down to simple particle reflection. translated in English by Soddy: M. Jean Perrin, "Brownian Movement and Molecular Reality", 1909.
1910 CE
Its very minor, but a song published in 1910, "Come Josephine in my Flying Machine" uses the word "beam" in the lyric, "balance yourself like a bird on a beam", which may have the stealthy double-meaning bird for woman, and beam, not like a plank, but like a remotely neuron writing invisible light particle beam.
1911 CE
1911 was a very good year for the public learning more about remote neuron reading and writing. In January of 1911, Charles Ames puts forward the theory that most of human thinking is made of images, and supports the theory that space and time are infinite as opposed to the theory of curved space applying to the universe. Ames writes "It is true that most of the thinking of mankind is what might be called image thinking. It may even be admitted that most of it must be of this kind,m and not only accompanied by, but in a sense dependent on, the image the mind makes of imagable things. "
This article is mainly to support fellow Bostonian, Professor William Pickering in his view of space and time as infinite (which will lose out in a few years to the theory that the universe is expanding), only as an aside, does Ames raise the simple theory, that neither the legendary Sigmund Freud, nor Carl Jung ever stumbled upon in there life-long study of the mind: that thought might be composed of images. As we will see even cartoonists start drawing the so-called "thought-bubble", what can be called "thought-images" as early as 1927. Noticeably absent is the accompanying theory that thought is made of sounds, what can be called "thought-audio".
Ames died only 8 months after this article was published, aged 64, perhaps coincidence, but might Ames have been "galvanized", that is, his heart or lung muscle paralyzed by remote neuron writing micro or nano light particle technology with the claim of protecting "national security", but in reality to make an example to anybody else thinking of sharing more details about thought? Was it just coincidence that only 3 years after this public outbreak of thought-tech truthing and explaining, that World War I would brutally interrupt this effort? Or did those whistleblowing about rnraw perhaps see the brewing conflict taking shape on the thought-bubbles of the rnraw admin ad-men and seek to change the course of history? Maybe humans will get to see those thought-images some time in the near future!
Ames, C. H., "Are Space and Time Infinite? The Affirmative Answer", Popular Astronomy, vol. 19, 01/1911, pp.31-35.

The Death Notice for Ames who suddently died on 09/09/1911 at age 64:
School Science and Mathematics Association, School Science and Mathematics Association (U.S.), and Central Association of Science and Mathematics Teachers (U.S.). School Science and Mathematics. School Science and Mathematics Association., 1911.

Hugo Gernsback (CE 1884-1967), in his June 1911 "Modern Electrics" magazine as part of the story "Ralph 124C 41 +", publishes the earliest known explicit public description of a machine that records sounds from thought (he calls this machine the "Menograph"- might that be a hint that mean put-down style bullying thought-audio might be being remotely written on the poor d2bw denied minds? -for example making them think of their weaknesses or past indiscretions). In addition, this "menograph" can play back (or "neuron write") a sound recording back directly to the brain to be heard in the thought audio.
Gernback writes: "After a few minutes' reflection he pressed the button, and immediately a wave line, traced in ink, appeared on a narrow white fabric band, the latter resembling a telegraph recorder tape.
The band which moved rapidly, was unrolled from one reel and rolled up on another. Everytime 124C 41 wished to "write" down his thoughts, he would press the button, which started the mechanism as well as the recording tracer.
Below is shown the record of a Menograph, the piece of tape being actual size.
Where the waveline breaks, a new word or sentence commences; the three words shown are the result of the thought which expresses itself in the words, "In olden times." . . .
The Menograph was one of 124C 41's earliest inventions, and entirely superseded the pen and pencil. Anyone can use he apparatus; all that is necessary to be done is to press the button when an idea is to be recorded and to release the button when one relects and does not wish the thought-words recorded."
The above page is chock-full of double-meaning hint words like "reflect" "write", and "thought-words"- clearly Gernback was a person that "figured it out".

Here is the source:
Hugo Gernsback, "Ralph 124C 41 +", "Modern Electrics", Modern Electrics Publication, New York, Vol. 4, No. 3, June 1911. Taken from "Modern Electrics", Volume 3-4, Jan-Dec 1911, p165-168.

Also in 1911, Gernbach publishes at least two cartoons that hint about remote neuron writing. In the first of these two profound cartoons, "What the frog would do, who has not forgotten Galvani's experiment", the tables are turned and Galvani's frog is now remotely controlling a pair of human legs. Definitely a metaphor for a reversal, where the remotely tortured switches places with the remote torturer. It definitely might inspire hope and confidence in a person who is being denied direct to brain windows while simultaneously being abuse by remote neuron writing technology. In the second cartoon "The Newest Menace", "German scientist now says that the atmosphere is becoming dangerously charged with Escaped wireless" has a man in a fully metal suit rivetted together including his dog in a similar little full-metal rivetted doggie suit, saying "Yep. wireless can't get me now". By the way the word "yep" has possibly become a reference to this important cartoon and principle of remote particle beam device molestation, assault, and murder. Notice that the German man is apparently talking to a British man. Perhaps Gernsbach is hinting that remote neuron writing is being used to start a conflict between Germany and England. World War 1 would start only 3 years later.

1912 CE
William Lawrence Bragg shows that the spreading out of the spectrum from "diffraction" gratings can be explained as being due to the reflection of material particles when he puts forward a theory to explain the images created by sending x-rays through crystalline material.
Bragg writes: "Regard the incident light as being composed of a number of independent pulses, much as Schuster does in his treatment of the action of an ordinary line grating. When a pulse falls on a plane it is reflected. ... Thus it is to be expected that the intensity of the spot produced by the train of waves from a set of planes in the crystal will depend on the value of the wave-length, viz. 2dcos(theta)."
So really possibly Schuster was actually the first to suggest that diffraction can be explained as a particle reflection phenomenon.
Bragg, W.L. The Diffraction of Short Electromagnetic Waves by a Crystal. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1913: 17, pp. 43-57.
or from Google Books:
see also:
William Lawrence Bragg, "The Specular Reflection of X-rays.", Nature, vol 90, num 2250, 12/12/1912, p410.

1919 CE

The magazine "Electrical Experimenter", published by Hugo Gernsback, displays this image of a "thought-recorder" in May 1919. The Syracuse Herald also runs a copy of this image in June, with a related story titled "This Machine Records All Your Thoughts" (see below).


(for more info see: and and
This digital image is public domain based on the Bridgeman Art Library v. Corel Corp. decision of 1999)

Hugo Gernsback
1922 George Emory Hale uses the word "render" in "The New Heavens" which may be a d2bw keyword to indicate that in 1922, 3D "rendering", that is 3D modeling of humans and the geography of earth were happening. It may be that by this time neuron reading and writing device owners are modeling humans in 3D in real-time. Perhaps by this time, the shape and location of most humans in developed nations are stored and tracked by the phone companies and governments of major nations.
1924 Michael Pupin publishes the book "From Immigrant To Inventor", which includes possible hints. In partciular, one hint that his "memory had been wiped clean", could be evidence that remote neuron writing/activation was already invented and is in use by 1924. Michael Pupin uses the word "latent"- perhaps making a play on the idea that some people are "late" to be provided with direct-to-brain windows. POerhaps Pupin might be hinting about profits from machines that see, hear, and write thought images and sounds when he writes: "Where are those one hundred million dollars which the invention has saved? ... I know that not even a microscopic part of them is in the pockets of the inventor. I have figured out also, with the same accuracy with which I once figured out the invention, that those hundred million dollars are not in the pockets of the telephone company. They must be, therefore, in the pockets of the American public. The invention made it possible to provide the telephone service, which is now being given, at a lower rate than would otherwise have been possible." "Microscopic" could hint at the size of these camera and microphone (or "nanophone" transmitters and receivers. It seems likely that many contributers to the rnraw d2bw technology remain un-named and un-credited because of the secrecy that surrounds this work. Beyond that, many popular people are most likely being cheated out of money people pay to see them and their thought-screen - it obviously all goes to the d2bw rnraw nanocamera, etc device owners, presumably the telecoms/governments.
This 1927 image of a "thought-image" or "thought-bubble" or "thought-screen", is the earliest image of a thought-image (cartoon or other-wise) that I have yet been able to find. Perhaps unsurprisingly it is produced by the phone company AT&T, in a short movie titled "That Little Big Fellow". This is could be evidence that neuron reading and writing was well developed by 1927. Please help me to find any earlier thought images- it is a pretty exciting scavenger hunt, because, it seems likely that such images could be evidence that thought-images were already being captured at that time.

See full video
Other AT&T videos:

Also in 1927 Albert Michelson, the first person in the USA to win the Nobel Prize, openly rejects George FitzGerald's theory of "space contraction", which FitzGerald used to try and save the theory of an aether medium for light after the Michelson and subsequent Michelson Morley experiments, and at the same time, Michelson rejects Henrick Lorentz's theory of "time dilation" which implies that he also must reject Albert Einstein's theories of relativity since those theories depend on the theories of space and time changing depending on the motion of matter. This must so anger the Orwellian fraudster powers that be, that in the 1962 second edition, space and time dilation believer Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar authored a special note included in the book, that dismisses Michelson's doubts about the theories of space contraction and time dilation as being understandable given the lack of evidence in support of those theories at the time.


Walt Disney publishes the first images of his cartoon character "Mickey Mouse". It may be that the two circle ears of the mouse hint about what people might look like for those who receive d2bw, one ear being an eye-screen circular window, which would normally show what a person (or any animal) is currently looking at, the other circle representing a thought-screen, showing what the person is thinking of, for example, an image of french fries. This suggests that this d2bw view, which people, presumably would see semitransparently, like what is being currently called "augmented reality", but without the need for any headset or glasses. Compare the image of Mickey Mouse with the image that I rendered in 2011 showing what seeing a person with a circular eye-screen and thought-screen might look like for a person who receives the direct to brain windows service.
When looking at Mickey Mouse, in this light, he looks like a black haired man with a thought and eye screen, which might have been instantly recognizable to a person who was receiving d2bw at the time. Perhaps it may have provided some relief that made them think that seeing eyes and ears would probably go public very soon, for example, within 10 years. But how wrong and inaccurate that false hope would be for any people that may have had it. It seems very likely that any kind of ownership of neuron reading and writing advanced micro and nano devices, perhaps by its nature, causes a shockingly long lived stagnation that persists - like religious myths - for possibly thousands of years.

Also in 1928 Popular Science publishes the article "Is Telepathy All Bunk?" which could also be hinting support for Thomas Edison's famous quote "Religion is all bunk".
Unfortunately no mention is made of actual devices, either macro or microscopic, to make telepathy a scientific reality.
Um... any thought about the possibility of device assisted telepathy and that entire massive field of both direct and remote neuron reading and writing?
"Is Telepathy All Bunk?"

E. C. Segar's "Thimble Theatre" (preceded his famous "Popeye" cartoons) clearly shows thought images. The first was 09/18/1928 of a log being sawed (traditionally to represent somebody sleeping- so probably this thought image pre=dates Segar's work)

Here is another on 11/14/1928, again of a log being sawed:

another very clear thought image, a week later, on 11/19/1928, a thought image with three people and a cross-shaped dagger. Possibly the dagger and the question mark represent thought-bubbles within a though-bubble.:

(copied from "Segar, E C, and Kim Thompson. E.C. Segar's Popeye. Seattle, WA: Fantagraphics Books, 2006. Print. pp10,18-19.")
Segar died very early at the age of 43 from Liver disease- might Segar have been murdered for his comic writing ratting?

Electric potentials (voltages) of the electric currents in the brain measured publicly, electrical oscillations of human brain identified.
Hans Berger (5/21/1873 - 6/1/1941), German psychiatrist applies electrodes to the human skull and to an oscillograph which records the changes in the electric potential (also known as "voltage"). Berger labels "alpha" and "beta" waves. From this, electroencephalography will be created, which will be useful in diagnosing epilepsy.

Isaac Asimov states that the growing understanding electroencephalography will serve as a guide to the fine workings of the nervous system.

Was Berger excluded from neuron reading and writing? If yes, then it shows a large amount of insight to understand the value of interpretting the electric currents of the brain and nervous system, or if no, and included receiving at least videos in his eyes, then Berger is more of a conduit of science information from the insiders to the excluded public.

It would be interesting to learn about the kind of electrical amplifier that Berger uses to measure such small voltages. Currently a specialized low-offset voltage amplifier is necessary to measure these currents which are measured in millivolts.

Even today, this comparatively primitive encephelograph technology is viewed as state of the art, and is being sold for use in video games as a new and modern device - where humans control objects by relaxing and tensing their mind, or using different parts of their mind, very far from the modern presumed form of nanotech devices that can remotely perform detailed neuron reading and writing.

We should explain to the public alpha and beta frequencies - showing clearly where must electrodes be placed to measure them.

It may be that just as the electric current in a computer is run by an oscillator in the form of a crystal chip, so it may be that there is a clock in the human brain that syncronizes human thought without which thoughts, decisions, and actions such as muscle movements would not move forward. So in this sense, Berger would be the first to publicly identify at least one of these nervous sytem clocks. What causes and sustains these electrical oscillations? In electronics an inductor and capacitor can create an oscillation but a transistor is needed to keep it from dissipating.

Also in 1929, the first visual cortex implant! (Genius) German neuroscientist Otfrid Foerster (11/9/1873 – 6/15/1941) demonstrates that electrical stimulation of the visual cortex using an electrical implant allows people to see flashes of light. This is direct neuron writing to the eye screen; a point on the occipital region of the human brain is electrically stimulated and the human sees a small spot of light.
Notice between Hans Berger and Otfrid Foerster: 1) same publication year, 2) same birth year, 3) same death month- galvanized by the Nazis?

The rise of the Nazis in Germany causes a backlash and the start of a migration of persecuted people to the USA where they will form a majority, and this period represents some strong hinting of remote neuron reading and writing in the USA, but there are of course also supporters of the Nazi philosophy in high positions in the USA as well.

Early public explicit description of a handheld ray weapon "The Black Star Passes", by John W. Campbell.

The famous "muckracker" Upston Sinclair publishes "Mental Radio" about telepathy. The German version has a preface written by Albert Einstein. Like the 1934 "Extra Sensory Perception" by Joseph Banks Rhine, William McDougall of Duke University writes a preface. McDougall writes: "...either are grossly stupid, incompetent and careless persons or have deliberately entered upon a conspiracy to deceive the public in a most heartless and reprehensible fashion." and " furnishes us no good reasons for denying that its activity may affect another mind in some fashion utterly obscure to us ... For we do seem to know with very fair completeness the possibilities of influence extending from the printed word to the experimenter; and under the conditions all such possibilities seem surely excluded. ...".
Sinclair writes: "TELEPATHY, or mind-reading: that is to say, can one human mind communicate with another human mind, except by the sense channels ordinarily known and used-seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and touching? Can a thought or image in one mind be sent directly to another mind and there reproduced and recognized? If this can be done, how is it done? Is it some kind of vibration, going out from the brain, like radio broadcasting?"

More E. C. Segar early thought images:



This last one on August 31, 1930, hints that E. C. Segar himself may have received a dream where a person was chasing him with a knife. I recently was sent a similar dream (around May of 2016)- and such violent dream movies are common in the dim age we live in- for example in one dream movie I was sent, a photo-realistic rendered model of my Mom was shooting a gun at me. These rendered models must contain many millions of polygons with light shading to look as realistic as they do in the dream movies presumably beamed onto people's neurons. This image is evidence that the same violent criminals were sending similar kinds of dream movies way back in 1930- more than 90 years ago!

An early thought bubble is drawn in a cartoon "Betty Boop with Bimbo in Mask A Raid". In this thought bubble, an arm actually reaches out brushes the head of Bimbo and then assaults Bimbo's head with a mallet. Possibly the authors are not only hinting about remote neuron reading of the thought bubble of many animals, but also the violent nature of those that control remote neuron writing.


"The Deseret News" publishes an article with the above image in which Nikola Tesla is quoted as saying: "I expect to photograph thoughts". Tesla clearly realized that thought images can likely be captured photographically and generously shared that with the public, unlike the vast majority of other scientists of the time.

Carol Bird, "Tremendous NEW POWER soon to be released", The Deseret News, Salt Lake City, Utah, 9/9/1933.,2324471
In a 07/11/1934 New York Times article Tesla talks about a death ray that can destroy planes and kill people without leaving a trace. This seems more like whistle-blowing to warn the public about such technology and the shockingly dangerous reality that this, presumably nano, and also often intracellular, particle beam technology has created.

"Tesla, at 78, Bares New 'Death-Beam'", New York Times, July 11, 1934, p. 18, c. 1
In another article on 07/11/1935 Tesla rejects the theory of relativity as being "a mass of error and deceptive ideas violently opposed to the teachings of great men of science of the past and even to common sense.". In my view, Tesla using the weight of his popularity to openly reject the theories of relativity in such a large way to the public, is the most important part of this article.

"Tesla, 79, Promises to Transmit Force", New York Times, July 11, 1935, p 23, c.8


Joseph Banks Rhine coins the phase "Extra-sensory perception" (ESP) in his book:
Extra-sensory Perception"
Like Upton Sinclair's "Mental Radio" of 1930, William McDougall of Duke University writes a foreward. McDougall writes: "..the author...will pardon my intrusion on his privacy. ...Indeed in this age when we erect monuments to the boll-weevil, send up prayers for drought, pest and plague, and are chiefly concerned to make one ear of wheat grow where two grew before, it is difficult to retain enthusiasm for botanical research, unless one is a scientist of the peculiarly inhuman type."

Also in 1936 Paramount relases the short Popeye movie "Hold The Wire" in which Bluto intercepts the phone line and pretends to be Popeye - typical of neuron writing deception and the bizarre and unreachable phone service of earth.
The owners and admins of "nerve cell" phone communications companies are apparently masters of identity theft, for example faking familiar voices in people’s thought-audio. As crazy as that perhaps may sound.
I think most of us are not alone in relishing Popeye knocking Bluto out of the block with a hearty "long distance!".

1937 Andre Maurois writes "La machine à lire les pensées" (lo mosEN o lER lA PoNSA) "The Machine that hears thoughts" in French. The book describes a scientist that invents a device that can record what people think, from their larynx. It is an unbelievably good book. Although it is fiction it relates to the real story kept secret for perhaps over 100 years about the invention of capturing, storing, and sending thought-images and sounds. This is, certainly, a large scale whistle blowing about technology that can see, hear and send thought images and sounds. Was the impending threat of the Nazis next door to France, and perhaps what Maurois and others may have been seeing in secret videos in front of their eyes, the inspiration for such whistle blowing and heightened concern? Maurois wrote only non-fiction except for this book, although many may certainly and right-fully wonder if this story also does not have elements of non-fiction.à-lire-pensées/dp/B004QYT3VI

Maurois' book is translated to English and published as "The Thought-Reading Machine" and distributed in bulk by Harper Brothers.

Also in 1938:
"Christmas Reverie"

Herbert H. Jasper (1906–1999)
Deutsches Museum, München, Archives

This greeting card in 'brain writing' was sent by an brain researcher in the USA, Herbert H. Jasper, to Hans Berger in 1938. Jasper was very interested in the EEG and he published the first article on the subject in America. In the 1920s, Hans Berger, a psychiatrist, had developed a method of measurement known as electroencephalography (EEG) sufficiently to allow brain activity to be recorded for the first time. In 1929, Berger had produced the first ever sleep EEGs, in which he observed a weakening of certain brain waves.

And in 1938, the song "Jeepers Creepers" is released, and contains the keyword "peeper" which may be used to point out the hypocrisy of how those that get d2bw are not subjected to voyeur (or "peeping") laws. "Peep" is a great rebuttle keyword for d2bw denied folks, but also 'where do we get some of those "eyes"', that is where do we sign up to receive videos of what people are seeing sent directly to our neurons to appear in front of us in semi-transparent windows? Perhaps you could try knocking on a window-less phone company building.


The song "Day In, Day Out" may be a play on a massive direct-to-brain-windows (that is "d2bw") segregation because the phrase can be thought of as the same as "They (pointing at one side) are in, they (pointing at other side) are out". This and other songs could be an effort against the rising fascism in Europe.
This song will go on to be covered by dozens of potentially concerned anti-segregation artists. David Bowie will publish a song with this same song title 48 years later in 1987.

Also in 1939: On September 03, 1939 in a "fireside chat" Franklin Delano Roosevelt, President of the United States says, "This nation will remain a neutral nation, but I cannot ask that every American remain neutral in thought as well. Even a neutral has a right to take account of facts. Even a neutral cannot be asked to close his mind or close his conscience."
On the eve of war, the very dangerous worry of what a toe-to-toe nanotechnology neuron writing war with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy might be like could have weighed heavily on the minds of the Allied leaders. Thought reading and writing devices must have played a critical role in World War 2, and perhaps FDR is hinting about that importance in this speech.

1944 CE
Warner Brothers makes a cartoon "Plane Daffy" which shows Hitler, Goering and Goebels using a video phone - but this is years before any video phone is made available to the public.

See video
1947 CE

Disney's Mickey Mouse short film "Delayed Date" shows a thought-screen of the dog Pluto dreaming of catching a bone. This is an early reveal that dogs have thought-images.
1950 CE

Famous and popular movie "Sunset Boulevard" (the movie with the classic line "I'm ready for my close up Mr. DeMille") refers to a really good movie script about a school teacher, the name of the script is "Dark Windows" which sounds like the title of the last few centuries- more specifically it could be a headline reading "Extremely Dark Direct-to-Brain Window Administration Reigns Over Innocent Earthlings for Centuries". "Windows" is definitely a keyword whistle-blowing hint (decades before the first publically released computer desktop "windows"). Perhaps the film-makers want to push the limit so do a somewhat "burlesque" with their d2bw service providers and their very own lives in order to drop subtle hints about the secret massive segregation. After WW2 many progressive educated people probably thought the US and earth would go into the extreme anti-Nazi opposite, but alas, that was not to be as evidenced by the 1956 publication of the unlikely claim of an expanding universe, and then of course the JFK, MLK, RFK murders and continuing on to modern times with the John Lennon, and 9/11 murders.

1954 CE

German-British physiologist and Nobel Prize winner Bernhard Katz (CE 1911-2003) uses the word "remote" prominently in the first paragraph in a paper about electrically making neuron fire ("direct neuron writing"). Gee, do you think remote muscle contraction might be a productive line of research....naw!
Notice also the playful "Fatt and Katz" author combo- double word score on the d2bw administration being fat cats as well!
Katz's paper with the word "remote"
Katz had used the word "indirect" before this paper to mean an electrical stimulation of the nerve which makes the muscle contract, as opposed to applying an electric current to the actual muscle directly.

"The Seven Year Itch" - the famous movie where Marilyn Monroe's dress is blown up from air from a subway tunnel. The title could be a play on "700 years of the remotely caused itch" for the year 1955 that would put remote neuron writing occurring around the year 1255 CE. It's a stretch, but very well may be- 700 or more years allows for a lot of time to devote to creative hinting.

11/3/1955 the famous song "The Great Pretender" by The Platters is released, and may hint about the pretending that the D2B consumers must do- never admiting that they see and hear thoughts or know anything about anything. This song has the iconic lyric "No one can tell", and "yes!" which may hint at a yes vote for going public with D2B.

Also in 1955, The Brain Machine movie is released. I have not actually seen this but probably there must be a lot of hinting about rnraw and d2bw.
Another movie titled "The Brain Machine" will be released in 1972 which contains very explicit hinting.

An episode of "Flash Gordon" is also realeased, titled "The Brain Machine". The evil character uses a brain machine to read and store all the memories of some captured good characters.

1956 CE

07/05/1956 The song "Don't Be Cruel" is released which has a possible double-meaning in the phrase "at least please telephone". This phrase "at least please telephone" might be evidence of the presumed d2bw unfair segregation, and possibly a funny double-meaning lyric because if the phone company is the main company that distributes d2bw service, most likely pleasing the people of the telephone isn't something that people need to be asked to do - they all already "please" (as in provide some kind of physical pleasure-related service) the telephone neuron people - so it's possibly meant to be comedy. Another interesting aspect is that it could be a lyric that was remotely written onto the unsuspecting d2bw denied author of the song Otis Blackwell.
1958 CE

One possible hint about remote neuron writing is published by Cordwainer Smith (Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger) (CE 1913-1966) in his story "No, No, Not Rogov!". In this story Stalin has a thought reading machine built that is used to even send thoughts to make other people confused, to commit suicide, etc.
A neuron writing related work is published by Max Knoll (CE 1897-1969), who finds that light pattens can be experienced when a small voltage is applied by two electrodes on different parts of the human face, and the voltage oscillated in the encephalographic frequency range. Knoll mentions in later paper that the electrical stimulation of light phenomena has been described as early as 1816 by Volta.
Knoll, Max. "Anregung geometrischer Figuren und anderer subjektiver Lichtmuster in elektrischen Feldern." Schweizer Zeitschrift für Psychologie 17 (1958): 110-126.
("Excitation of geometric figures and other subjective light patterns in electric fields")

1959, November 5

A device inside a human body controlled remotely: radio controlled artificial pacemaker. This is the first publicly known extension of Galvani''s 1791 remote ("wireless" or particle") neuron writing. Pacemakers continue to get smaller, and the pacemaker will perhaps eventually evolve to become a remotely controlled “artificial neuron cell organelle”. Think of how many basic health science technologies are likely being kept from the public because of the selfish and idiotic neuron lie. Ultimately we all suffer from it, likely even D2BW owners, whenever human health care is needed.
(Glen, Mauro, Longo, Lavietes, Mackay, "Remote stimulation of the heart by radiofrequency transmission", New England Journal of Medicine, v261, 11/5/1959, p948-51.

1960, July 5

(Democratic Convention acceptance speech for Democratic nomination for President of the USA, Los Angeles) John F. Kennedy: "Can a nation organized and governed such as ours endure? That is the real question. Have we the nerve and the will? Can we carry through in an age where we will witness not only new breakthroughs in weapons of destruction--but also a race for mastery of the sky and the rain, the ocean and the tides, the far side of space and the inside of men's minds?"
Would JFK have made nanocameras and remote neuron reading and writing nanotechnology go public much sooner had he not been murdered?

Here is real audio of this speech


Noel Regney and Gloria Shayne write the Christmas song "Do You Hear What I Hear?" which may hint that many people routinely hear the thought audio of others while many people are being denied this very helpful service.

A "Fantastic Four" comic book shows a "Thought Projector Helmet" which shows thought-images. Notice that, aside from images of food, nude and sex-related thought-images are probably commonly seen on thought-screens- in particular when a person (or even other species) is masturbating or having sex.
from: "Fantastic Four" Issue 27, June, 1964.
Perhaps some artists were indignant that JFK was murdered and felt outraged enough to risk their lives publishing this explicit hint about the existance of secret remote neuron reading and writing technology, perhaps suggesting that keeping this technology a secret is one of the primary reasons for JFK being murdered.
Thought Projector Helmet "Fantastic Four" comic book


"The President's Analyst" hints at how the phone company installs cameras, microphones, thought seeing and hearing devices, and lasers into every apartment and house with a phone line. This is perhaps one of the clearest public descriptions of how remote neuron reading and writing might work that I have found yet.
See a clip from this movie:
Just before this clip a person asks "could every phone be tapped?!" and "that's what's in my mind".
01/31/1968 CE

Jim Garrison is on the Johnny Carson show and both appear to talk very subtly about remote neuron reading and writing. At around 17 minutes into the interview, Jim Garrison says "...I can't look into their brains, Johnny, and tell you why they did it." and Johnny Carson replies with "...Now you expect somebody to be galvanized into action..."; Garrison hinting about the massive secret of seeing eyes, and thought images, hearing thoughts, and Carson hinting about remote muscle moving - i.e. what Galvani did, but moving muscle remotely using particle beams.
Video of Jim Garrison and Johnny Carson saying "seeing inside their brain" and "Galvanized into action"
09/13/1970 "The Register", in Santa Ana, California, publishes a photo of a child with an oval thought-screen over her head:

Little did those publishers know, that with help from a little man named Teddy Huntington, the newly christened sleepy tiny remote city of Irvine would become the "neuron reading and writing truth" epicenter of the 2000s.

Gordon Lightfoot publishes "If you could read my mind" that has the lyric "If you could read my mind, what a tale my thoughts would tell" - is that the understatement of two or more centuries? There is, presumably, a massive secret history of thought image and audio recordings from millions of people - all saved somewhere, maybe in the phone companies and governments of earth. Imagine singing "if you could write to my mind"

The Brain Machine, is released. This movie has quite a few hints about rnraw.
Not to be confused with another movie titled "The Brain Machine" that was released earlier in 1955 (see above).

Bad cloud clearly sabotaged this production, as is typical, for example look for the boom microphone showing near the top of the screen in one scene (at 34:10).
21:31 Woman doctor says: "I just want to see what he thinks" (ala "thought screen"/thought image/bubble over our heads).
24:12 General explains that hidden microphone is only 1% effective and that: "if you really want to know your enemy, you've got to know what he's thinking, not what he's saying"
34:10 evidence of remote sabotage- see that the boom microphone is accidentally showing towards the top of the screen.
1:08:26 (The climax hint of the movie), Dr Roth says "Terrible(?) Impulse Converter", and the assistant doctor responds by saying "It actually converts brain impulses into exact pictures of thought, and visual...Jesus". Note that the assistant doctor makes the clear point and extra effort to explain that both thought audio and thought images can be recorded- an important point that many d2b denied people miss because the word "thought" is currently used to describe both thought images and thought audio- and no doubt somewhat deceptively.
1:17:52 no hint about rnraw but a nice portrayal of how the major media news can be used to explain away military/government murders of US citizens- a modern example is the 9/11 coverage that promotes the absurd 19 hijacker explanation.

March 1:

Pink Floyd releases the song "Brain Damage" with the lyric "there's someone in my head but it's not me"
Also in March of 1973:

Steely Dan releases "Reelin' In the Years" that contains a possible hint about neuron writing with the lyric: "The trip we made to Hollywood is etched upon my mind"
1975 CE

A video of (presumably) what an opthalmascope is seeing is shown in the National Geographic program "The Incredible Human Machine". The sequence of images contains nearly 5 seconds of an eye chart on the back of the retina of an eyeball. This is perhaps the first time a large part of the public has seen this, and it is potentially a hint that seeing behind a head is possible.

1977 CE
1977 was a relatively good year for the USA, Jimmy Carter, the first engineer to be President of the USA was elected at the end of 1776. For example The House Select Committee on Assassinations was actively looking into the claim of a conspiracy in the murders of former President John Kennedy, and civil rights leader Martin Luther King jr. But all that would end in 1979 with the Iran hostage crisis, the murder of popular musician John Lennon and the election of Ronald Reagan and George Bush.

The cartoon "Super Friends" publishes an episode titled "The Brain Machine" which shows a few hints about remote neuron reading and writing. In particular there is a thought-image shown. If we could see thought-images probably a guy with an image of a woman on their thought-screen would be a VERY TYPICAL thought image. In addition, a guy with a giant brain is a good depiction of the evil villanous character- not necessarily that the real-life evil character looks like that, but it may be a metaphor for the very advanced intelligent technology and applications that the real-life evil characters own and routinely operate. On the other hand there may be some element of an antiscience antieducation message in drawing the evil villain with a large brain, similar to promoting labels like "geek" and "nerd" to fight against those people expressing an interest in science.

An SCTV show storyline has members of the cast and crew taken over by "Zontar" a leader from another planet which causes them to have a cabbage leaf stuck to the back of their head and act in a zombie/possessed way. This could be an analogy for how d2bw consumers, once initiated into seeing d2bw become like zombies in that they must never talk about anything they see in their d2bw out loud- they have to pretend that they know nothing about nothing. The name "Zontar" uses "tar" which could refer to "tar and feather" what is done to uppity people, and backwards Zontar contains the word "rat" and "noz". The cabbage, being another slang name for money, could be a reference to how the d2bw system is run on money and so money is why the d2bw consumers get corrupted. Zontar could be a metaphor for some kind of d2bw poohbah that wants to take over a television station.
SCTV "Zontar" episode

Head and SHoulders television ad slogan is "Because that little itch should be telling you something" which may hint about the most prolific molestors to ever live free on Earth causing lawful people to itch using microscopic particle devices presumably flying around every personon earth. (Notice how possibly some rnraw device was used to make the letters "SH" capital in my typing above on the phrase "head and shoulders". I am leaving it this time.) Kudos to Head and SHoulders. Yes, that itch should be mf'in telling us something, that something is very very wrong and very rotten with our phony phone-company laser undermocratic government. (funny, somebody changed democratic to dermacratic). Proctor and Gamble owns Head and SHoulders.
The commercials have the same audio that begins "If only you could hear what people think" like this one aired on May 7th, 1982:

1985 AD

In the PBS television series "Cosmos" by Carl Sagan, Sagan says "we, ourselves, are far from decoding what a brain thinks, but in the future, it may well be possible....a disquieting prospect". Maybe far from decoding what a brain thinks as outiacs, but as a species probably far from that extremely distant event in the ancient past where probably somebody working for the government or a private defence industry company finally worked out microtechnology that could effectively decode thought audio into a wav or an mp3 file or something similar. Another possible hint that machines that can send light particles to tiny devices that make a brain hear sounds or see images is when Sagan says: "Across the centuries an author is speaking to you clearly in your head."

1986 CE
Robert MacNeil, of MacNeil and Lehrer, shows in part 1 of a 9 part series called "The Story of English" what communicating through thought might be like where around 52:19, humans introduce themselves, but only the audio is played while their mouths remain closed. Perhaps in 1985 and 1986 some people rallied together to try to expose that thought can be seen and heard. But exposing these truths is a constant effort that spans over centuries apparently.

1987 CE

In September the BeeGees release their album and title track "ESP", in March 1988 their brother Andy Gibb got the die at the age of 30- punishment for this clear revealing of d2bw? Lyric hints include "it will take your breath away".
Many of us are trying to warn the public about rnraw and d2bw and it does seem like an important thing that the public should know. So it will be very much topical for a long time to come, and there is a giant rabbit hole to explore there so to hint about d2bw and rnraw is really just to scratch the surface on a much deeper more detailed truth and story.
music video "ESP"

1988 CE
"They Live", movie by John Carpenter

The movie "They Live", by John Carpenter is released. The movie "They Live", by John Carpenter is released. This a definite must see for the d2b denied- it has a lot of parallels with the d2bw segregation- it's a very close match when you align the alien species as d2b pwners and consumers- and that theory that some other species, more well adapted and evolved than we, from some nearby star cluster, might be working against the survival of the human species on earth- all the way to and including the decision of who gets to see d2bw and who is denied. But beyond the advanced species from a nearby cluster of stars, is just the non-alien theory and analogy of how the d2b owners are constantly writing on the neurons of the d2b denied people who have never even heard of remote neuron writing or reading. But I think the sunglasses analogy is becoming a classic of antiquity- it was used in 1900 by Frank Baum in the Wizard of Oz- people wore goggles and everything appeared green (but note how that part was excluded from the movie)- however this use of sunglasses is a closer analogy. And I think it so clearly fits some kind of device that a d2b denied person could possibly use to see if a person is receiving direct to brain windows or not- because, presumably if you could see, even just simply a thermal image- possibly you could see the shapes of little windows on their brain. There is just a lot of good info in this movie- notice that it is unspoken that the lower paying jobs are all (d2bw denied) humans (the grocery clerks, etc.), while the higher paying executives in suits (those "people" shopping) are all aliens (or humans on the alien "take"- d2bw consumers)- almost certainly a close match to what we would see if we did have special glasses that could show us in an instant who gets d2bw and who does not. Even down to the final scene where the female human is having sex with the alien- it's a good analogy for how the d2bw consumers have an extreme advantage in getting sex- they see the thought images and hear the thought audio sounds a d2bw denied woman is thinking so they can deliver exactly what the "out" woman wants and expects from the man as if by mysterious magic.

Also in 1988, the song "What's On Your Mind (Pure Energy)" is released, which hints about d2bw with the lyric "I wanna know what you're thinking, tell me what is on your mind"

wikipedia link. I like to sing the lyric 'pure energy" as "pure massergy", which could be 1/2 m^2v. haw haw haw.

1995 CE

Jim Marrs releases the video "Fake: The Forged Photo That Framed Oswald" that gives strong evidence that the photo of Lee Harvey Oswald shown on the cover of "Life" magazine is a fake.
In this video, there are a lot of "D2BW insider" hints like use of the word "Bush". Take a look and listen near the end where one of the reporters states (8 minutes into part 5 of the video)

"We must remember that Mr. White's conclusions of fakery have been echoed by foreign photographic experts in Canada and England. Now let's return to Jim Marrs and hear his thoughts on this issue.". A clear hint about hearing thought-audio back in 1995. Is it any surprise that people who make so tremendous an effort to reach the public with the terrible truth about the murder of JFK, would also be hinting about the shockingly unfair segregation and hoggery of thought-audio recording technology? That should be no surprise at all. The full video starts here:"

1997 CE
"bite me", were sounds that I, Ted Huntington, was thinking that were repeated out loud by a female human on the "Ellen" television program.

(end of ) Dark Age
In 1997, I published the first song with lyrics that explicitly reveal that I am starting to understand a little bit more that we may be living on a planet with a large amount of survaillence, which includes tiny wireless cameras, microphones, and even the ability to hear, see and send thought sounds and images- although my understanding at the time was extremely limited. This song is named "Dark Age" and has a lyric that trails off at the end which includes "They're watching people in the Dark Age, hearing our thoughts in the Dark Age, listen to my mind in the Dark Age yeah". There are no songs before this that include any kind of knowledge of large scale surveillance, or neuron reading or writing, and at the time, I was not using phrases that would come later like "nanocamera", "direct to brain windows", and "remote neuron reading and writing"- phrases that make clearer and more specific what kind of devices are most likely in wide scale use and abuse on planet earth and no doubt throughout the rest of the universe.

1998 CE
"bite me" is again repeated in the Steven Spielberg movie "Antz".

Also in 1998, the television show Saturday Night Live shows a video titled "Conspiracy Theory Rock" that has the lyric "now maybe these voices in my head will go away" which seems like a really explicit reference to remote neuron writing of sounds and maybe a hint about how this classic phrase is used to dismiss any body that tries to explain this phenomenon as having some kind of psychiatric disorder or simply as "crazy". Quite possibly there is a better case to be made for "AT&T's big lie" instead of "GE's big lie". But most likely we can not rule out big defense companies and governments being major parts of these big lies as well.
1999 CE

UC Berkeley scientists Dr. Yang Dan and team captured these images by connecting 177 electrodes to the thallamus of a cat. See movie thanks to Madame Yang Dan
According to the news release from UC Berkeley here:
"The team recorded signals from a total of 177 cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus - a part of the brain's thalamus that processes visual signals from the eye - as they played a digitized movie of indoor and outdoor scenes for the cat. Using simple mathematical filters, the researchers decoded the signals to generate a movie of what the cat actually saw. The reconstructed movie turned out to be amazingly faithful to the original." The left side is what the cat sees, the right side is the actual movie. Think of an experiment that writes these (presumably) electric currents back to neurons so that the animal could see the movie directly to it's brain bypassing the eye. Sadly the vast majority of the research would be unnecessary if the owners of d2bw would just go public with rnraw technology. This is a proof of concept that the principle of neuron reading and writing electrically is simple, in particular if the electronics could be vastly reduced in size. It seems obvious that millions of humans are already consensually enjoying the benefits of remote neuron reading and writing, as sadly many more millions of animals, in particular humans, are being secretly remotely denied and abused by remote neuron writing only.
"Reconstruction of Natural Scenes from Ensemble Responses in the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus"
Garrett B. Stanley, Fei F. Li, Yang Dan
Journal of Neuroscience 15 September 1999, 19 (18) 8036-8042; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.19-18-08036.1999

Also in 1999 I released my song "Brain Imaging Machine" which is the first song of mine that explicitly describes a machine that can see thought images and head thought audios. Inin addition, this song includes lyrics describing people in the major media and governments watching the public.

2000 CE

Sony files a patent that claims to be able to remotely activate images, sounds, and smells to human brain using ultrasound. Note that a patent can be just a theoretical device- there does not need to be an actual device to apply for a patent. A spokesperson for Sony Electronics, says that the work is speculative, that "There were not any experiments done," and that "This particular patent was a prophetic invention. It was based on an inspiration that this may someday be the direction that technology will take us." According to the journal "New Scientist" "The technique suggested in the patent is entirely non-invasive. It describes a device that fires pulses of ultrasound at the head to modify firing patterns in targeted parts of the brain, creating "sensory experiences" ranging from moving images to tastes and sounds. While brain implants are becoming increasingly sophisticated, the only non-invasive ways of manipulating the brain remain crude. A technique known as transcranial magnetic stimulation can activate nerves by using rapidly changing magnetic fields to induce currents in brain tissue."
Patent 6536440
Sony patent takes first step to real-life Matrix. By: Hogan, Jenny; Fox, Barry. New Scientist. 4/9/2005, Vol. 186 Issue 2494, p10-10. 3/4p.

Huntington has the thought-audio "this human must have the brain of a pidgeon" (it very well could have been remotely written to split like-minded allies, and the woman has an underbite similar to Beavis of Beavis and Butthead, and she may have been staring off into space which may have prompted that perhaps comedical thought-audio), and months later the person says "because you know I have the brain of a pidgeon". (So this shows an incredible amount of humility on her part, to rise above this apparent jeer and repeat out loud some thought-audio. This has happened a very few times to me- where a presumably d2bw consumer will repeat out loud some thought-audio I had a few seconds earlier. As a side note: the person over time revealed herself to be a sensitive and friendly human, definitely friendlier than quite a few other d2bw consumer people I have worked with over the years).

Music group "No Doubt" releases the song "Don't Speak" with the words "Don't speak, I know what you're thinking...don't tell me cause it Hertz" which may hint to the public about this group of may a few hundred million people that are allowed to secretly hear thought audios. How many people knew that the "hertz" they are talking about is actually an obscure reference to radio inventor genius Heinrich Hertz? In all seriousness, they are maybe talking about how, for those, who routinely are allowed to hear the thought-audios of those around them, hearing the (presumably) d2bw denied people then echoing out the thought-audio out loud using their voice actually physically hurts the sensitive hearing of those fortunate people mysteriously selected to hear thought-audio of those around them.

Also in 2000, Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt appear in the movie "What Women Want", in which Gibson is accidentally electricuted and can hear thoughts of people around him. Gibson then uses this ability to hear thoughts to deliver people exactly what they want. This is really an amazing phenomenon that has actually happened in reality because people are keeping neuron reading a secret and have for 200+ years apparently. A person that can hear thought can easily "lay out" by knowing exactly what the outsider (or even fellow insider) is expecting and wanting - while those victims who are excluded from hearing thought cannot possibly compete and so don't reproduce and are selected out of existance by the neuron reading and writing excludocide that continues to this day with the vast majority of humans not even knowing it. This does not even account for the god-like ability to write suggestions in the form of fast images and sounds to outsider's neurons - to make them wear and say all the wrong things to potential mates - steering their potential mate towards the neuron reading and writing insider or even some other more preferable outsider. It raises the question - how many outsiders are still in a relationship with an insider who used thought seeing and hearing to attract them? How might the outsider react if they find out? What interesting questions hm? Probably there is very little inter-neurorical dating or mating, the vast majority of relationships being composed of eith er two outties or two innies. But in any case, those people who participate in this movie and the sequel "What Boys Want", really have taken a step in a bold and good direction.
2001 CE

In 2001 Hitachi sells the smallest and thinnest publicly known RFID (Radio frequency Identification) radio Integrated Circuit (IC) chips, the "µ-Chip". These devices receive and transmit light particles.
In 2003 Hitachi will reduce the size of these RFID chips to 50x50 micrometers. These and other microscopic electronic particle communication devices being made public are a key step in going public with the first "human made organelle" which can be communicated with by radio and that can make a neuron fire. That will really bring remote neuron writing with micro or nanometer device assistance to be a public reality. It will be essentially what Luigi Galvani did in the 1780s but with a tiny cell sized radio receiver and transmitter in the place of a scalpel and spark generator. To the naked eye the chips look like pieces of dust. See these images where the 400um chip is shown with rice grains and what looks like salt or sugar crystals.
NBC News uses the keyword "mind" when they write "Invisible tracking brings to mind science-fiction-inspired uses, or even abuses, such as unknowingly getting sprinkled with smart-tag powder for Big Brother-like monitoring."

Dan Brown, author of "The Da Vinci Code" (2003), publishes the book "Deception Point" which describes miniture flying camera and microphone wireless devices.
Brown writes:
"Although microscopic, remote-controlled robots sounded like science fiction, in fact they had been around since the 1990's. Discovery Magazine had run a cover story in May 1997 on microbots--- featuring both "flying" and "swimming" models. The swimmers---nano-subs the size of salt-grains---could be injected into the human bloodstream a lá the movie Fantastic Voyage. They were now being used by advanced medical facilities to help doctors navigate arteries by remote control, observe live intravenous video transmissions, and locate arterial blockages without ever lifting a scalpel.

Contrary to intuition, building a flying microbot was even simpler business. The aerodynamics technology for getting a machine to fly had been around since Kittyhawk, and all that remained had been the issue of miniaturization. The first flying microbots, designed by NASA as unmanned exploration tools for future Mars missions, had been several inches long. Now, however, advances in nano-technology, lightweight energy-absorbent materials, and micro-mechanics had made the flying microbots a reality. "
see text at: Notice that one character has the name "William Pickering", which may pay homage to a famous Bostonian astronomner of the same name that heroically fought against the rising doubtful theory of relativity in 1922.

2003 CE
In 2003, I uploaded another group of new songs, many of which, describe my belief in a secret large scale survallience or "peeper" segregation. The song "Gestapo" includes the opening lyric "The gestapo hear what you think", and the song "Gestapo World" includes the lyric "planet full of Bothas" which is a double-world score on the name of a South African leader under aparteid and the phase "both of us", and the song "Picture" which contains the lyric "I see a picture in you brain" and "I hear sounds from your brain", showing clearly that I am becoming much more aware of rnraw technology and how it is being used and abused.

2004 CE
Cyril Wecht is quoted as saying "I will transmit my thoughts to [recent gun shot victim Taiwan President Chen Shui Bian]", hinting that thought audio and images can now be sent like any other audio or jpg/mpg images.

"The Final Cut", with Robin Williams, shows the perspective of "seeing eyes", seeing what people see (which could be called "screen 1" or the "eye screen", where images from the external universe are seen and stored in the brain). In the movie, the story of implanting a "Zoe chip" is used. Amazingly, 4 years later in 2008, Kamatani et all will show that in terms of seeing what eyes see remotely, no implant is even necessary using functional magnetic resonance imaging. This movie represents a bold step forward in explaining to the excluded public just a tiny part of the secret 100+ year history of seeing eyes, thought images, hearing sounds the ear hears and thought-audio in the mind, remotely moving muscles, and whatever else might be possible with remote neuron reading and writing technology.

September 14, 2004 CE "The Sims 2" game is released publicly revealing added thought bubbles to all the game characters indicating what they are thinking of.

2005 CE
Perhaps there was some effort to tell the world about "seeing eyes" - that is- being able to see videos of what the eyes of a person or any other animal is seeing. Because like "The Final Cut" in 2004, in 2005 Phil Collins publishes the song "Take a Look Through My Eyes", possibly hinting to the public about this presumably massively huge group of people that are fortunate enough to be allowed to look through the eyes of millions of brains, secretly and remotely. It would be great if we could all get to see through everybody’s eyes and in that sense everybody is like a television camera.

08/26/06 CE
US President, George Bush jr uses word "psyche" in a press release, the same day I am thinking about refering to the secret camera-thought network name "PSIKI" used in "The Thought-Hearing Machine" by Andre Maurois (Emil Herzog) in 1937.

11:20 into the video, the story starts. The hosts on the "Out There TV" show reveal some of this info, one host saying "First Scheduled for 2004, the mission has since been delayed 8 times, leaving a gaping hole in Washington's efforts to record the activities and thoughts of every single American." and "In a document sent from the National Reconnasaince Office last year to Britain's MI5 agency, it even stated that the new survailence satellites have the capability of beaming...and get this...quote...electromagnetic impulse receptor signal to an individual's head to determine thought. Folks, welcome to 1984 just a few years behind schedule."
Richard Dawkins says that people believe that a God "reads your thoughts". “News Night”, BBC, (3:48 minutes) 09/22/2006.


March 30 2007: The Disney animated movie "Meet The Robinsons" may contain hints about remote neuron reading and writing, including most noteably a machine that plays back what a person's eyes and ears saw. Interesting use of the Bowler hat which was a product of the 1850s- possibly a fitting symbol of the collapse of truth and honesty in the early 1800s, most notably the change from the corpuscular theory of light by Newton to the transverse undulatory theory of light by Young which sent the human species into a mini dark age we are still living in today. It seems likely that the Bowler hat is a symbol of what is presumably some kind of remote control/remote neuron writing technology administration, and also how people are seemingly "infected" once they are included into receiving a minimal direct to brain windows service. It is suggested that perhaps sweet decent people invented and developed things like nanocams, and nanoneuron writers, but that they were taken over by bad thug-type people like guards at Abu Graib or Auschwitz, getting their "yuck yucks" by abusing against innocent blind d2bw denied humans with such technology. Very interesting final scene, like imagining the "world gone wrong"- if the bad guys had won what the world would look like, millions of humans enslaved to the bowler hats (nano remote neuron writing and direct-to-brain windows controls), like obedient slaves pouring the coal into the turbine to create more iron bowler hats (like as is the case with remote nano technology, where people are apparently terrified into silence by obviously less than civilized, shockingly violent, and oppressive neuron tech controllers. They cannot breathe a word about absolutely anything that they see in their d2bw, which includes murders, big lies, and we can only imagine what kind of massive injustices they routinely see. Probably typical d2bw consumers are extremely grateful for even a tiny d2b window here or there, fearful of angering their masters and joining the many "d2bw denied" outties).

07/25/07 CE
Ted Huntington is on the KROQ Kevin and Bean show and talks about, seeing hearing and sending thought images and sounds.

04/04/08 CE
George Carlin states "it's a big club and you ain't in it" which hints about the massive secret sham cam-scam.

The Disney-Pixar movie "W.A.L.L.E." shows people seeing semitransparent "menu" screens in front of their faces projected by their chairs - which looks very similar to what the view of those who get windows beamed directly to their eyes must see. Notice that the women in this image are looking at 4 or 5 video squares of other people.

12/10/2008 CE

Scientists in Japan publish: "Visual Image Reconstruction from Human Brain Activity using a Combination of Multiscale Local Image Decoders" in "Neuron" magazine. This article shows images that a brain sees using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). This is the first public publication that shows images of what a brain is seeing without using any implant that I am aware of, although it very well may be that the first images captured of what a brain sees may date back as far as 200 years or more.
Miyawaki, Yoichi, et al. "Visual image reconstruction from human brain activity using a combination of multiscale local image decoders." Neuron 60.5 (2008): 915-929.

This is funny, compare the author's illustrations with my earlier drawings of what remote neuron reading (left) and remote neuron writing (right) might look like below:

The comedy movie "Superhero Movie" is released and contains a scene where one character claims to be able to hear thought-audio.


The movie "Gamer" has many hints about remote neuron reading and writing. There is a full on explanation of nano chips that enter into brain cells and a creative theory of how they could be made to copy themselves to replace existing cells (although in my opinion, the more likely scenario is just hijacking existing neuron cells- but I can't rule out the idea of devices created new cells that replace old ones some time- in particular to end the bad effects of aging). One character is named Tillman- might that be refrence to Pat Tilman, the football player killed in 2004? Might have Tilman and others in some kind of similar type of remote control war game in the moutains of Afghanistan? Or perhaps they are just making an argument that this kind of remote neuron reading and writing technology may play an active role even in modern life and warfare.
There is more nudity and sexuality in this view of the future and a good representation of d2bw windows for a young 17 year old male- lots of video windows pop-up - similar to the videos I will produce around 2011. Tell me in the trailer when the main nanotech owner's body makes a quick crooked arm move that it does not resemble some remote control muscle move control or even murder technique- such things much be possible when any muscles can be contracted. Another good example of remote control is an obese guy says something and then the woman echos it out seconds later- probably very close to what seeing behind the curtain of rnraw administration looks like. How about the ending scene where the character named Tillman is nearly remotely controlled to kill his family - how many real-world family killings may be very similar to this? The comedian Norm Macdonald had a comedy routine that may refer to that remote control trickery.
The movie "Gamer" lost millions in theaters, and received bad reviews, but many times, it very well could be that the d2bw administration uses their presumably unlimited money, influence, and remote neuron writing technology, on people to possibly tilt the scale against movies that hint about d2bw. That may have been the case with "The President's Analyst" and "Tomorrowland" as well.

Check out this very similar scene to the 1965 movie "The President's Analyst", there is of course a convergence on this explanation as it gets closer and closer to the most accurate explanation.:

Ted Huntington uploads 37 new songs onto the Internet, many about remote neuron reading and writing. Songs include: "Neuron Writing", "Where's Our Video?", "Let The People Get To See".
Neuron Writing


"Scientific American Mind" publishes a photo of a woman with 3 windows of people that looks similar to direct-to-brain windows or thought bubbles.

I (Ted Huntington) publish videos of what direct-to-brain windows probably looks like. This is the first 3D rendering that I have ever seen of what a person receiving direct-to-brain windows might look like if we could see the windows:

I worked a long time to make this video - creating the 3D models, and animations. To my knowledge, the first video ever made public of direct-to-brain windows and in particular the dust-sized neuron particle device, was the video I made and released for free a few months before this particular video. But this video has the first ever shown direct-to-brain oval "eyes" window and oval "thought-screen" window, and circular windows for friends that are videochatting with the d2bw consumer. As a life long excluded I have no idea what actual direct-to-brain windows actually looks like, but this is my best guess. There are many subtle parts, and perhaps it moves too quickly, so you may learn more by examining it and thinking about it more closely - there is so much we excluded haven't seen or figured out yet. For example, notice how the excluded has to turn to look at the woman, while the included woman doesn't need to look at the excluded guy.
Facebook announces the new free videocall feature, Facebook engineer Philip Su states "If it was any easier than that one click, it would be reading your mind", which hints at the grotesque aparteid between those who receive direct-to-brain video windows and those who are excluded.
A Carefree panty liner ad has a woman with a thought-screen. The quantity of these kinds of ads implies that many direct-to-brain windows consumers are repulsed by the segregation and neuron-writing abuse they must see and experience - and that possibly there is a growing group of terribly abused people who are becoming more aware that they are excluded from seeing thought-screens and hearing thought-audio.
Carefree panty liner thought-screen advertisement


remote eye movies! One step beyond the 2008 Kamatani team still image: remotely neuron reading of movies. Gallent and team at Berkeley have reconstructed movies seen by people remotely from behind their brain using MRI:
Article in journal "Cell":
Once again, we can mostly thank the science and education establishment for bringing remote neuron reading and writing to the public - not the religious, government, or corporation establishement.
Advances are happening faster and it implies that advanced (and even commercial) remote neuron reading and writing can't possibly remain an unpublished secret by 2100 and probably more likely by 2050. ----------------

Schiller and team at MIT publishes their work showing that direct-to-neuron electrical stimulation can produce images in monkeys:
In their abstract, which is written for average people and not immersed in techno-jargon, they compare it to a cochler implant but for sight:
They write: "Creating a prosthetic device for the blind is a central future task. Our research examines the feasibility of producing a prosthetic device based on electrical stimulation of primary visual cortex (area V1), an area that remains intact for many years after loss of vision attributable to damage to the eyes. As an initial step in this effort, we believe that the research should be carried out in animals, as it has been in the creation of the highly successful cochlear implant. We chose the rhesus monkey, whose visual system is similar to that of man. ...On the basis of these findings, we derive what kinds of images would be expected when implanted arrays of electrodes are stimulated through a camera attached to the head whose images are converted into electrical stimulation using appropriate algorithms."
Notice the coincidence of the name "Schilling" - because "shilling" - direct-to-brain consumers taking money to mislead excluded is so much a disgusting part of the advanced segregation of the hording of centuries old remote neuron reading and writing technology.
Max Knoll had published that applying voltage to the forehead causes people to see lights, and Yang Dan at Berkeley had done direct neuron reading by capturing an image of what a cat sees by connecting electrodes to parts of the cat brain. But this may be the first published occurrence of actual writing back of an image to a brain, direct-to-brain writing of an actual image.
Now all that is needed is to reduce the size of the electrodes and communicate with them wirelessly through the skull - to be less invasive - and that is the basic form of the secret modern remote neuron reading and writing which is used every 5 minutes by unseen criminals to contract some annoying muscle or fire some annoying neuron of ours).

A "CalIT2" brochure talks about nanotechnology and shows what has now come to be a very important image: the thought screen for 4 different CalIT employees. Who would have ever thought that all those years of seeing thought screens in cartoons would actually be so similar to what we must look like - walking around with little circles and a big thought screen for all direct-to-brain windows consumers to see? Quotes from the brochure:
"...There are a lot of really interesting examples showing that nano goes way back in history."
"...Right now people are building radios a millimeter by a millimeter by a millimeter...But I think you could make one that's a micron by a micron by a micron, which is the size of a single living cell. ..."
"...The answers could yield transmitters implanted in the human body that send out information from cells or even nanorobots capable of identifying and destroying cancerous cells.".


Monash University in Australia plans to patent a "Direct to brain bionic eye": "a small implant under the skull will receive wireless signals and directly stimulate the brain's visual cortex". This form of extra-cellular electronic device assisted remote neuron writing will allow those denied sight to see again.

November 2014
The US navy installs its first laser weapon system, called Laws, on warship USS Ponce, which is currently stationed in the Persian Gulf. A video of the laser weapon system released by the Office of Naval Research shows it being deployed aboard the ship. The video shows the weapon being used against two test targets, including a speedboat and an unmanned aerial vehicle, or drone.

March 5
Lockheed Martin demonstrates a laser (named "Athena") that disables a vehicle's engine from a mile away, demonstrating its military effectiveness against enemy ground vehicles.

The Disney movie "Tomorrowland" has a lot of hinting about remote neuron reading and writing. That the film lost $120-140 million dollars implies that the nano-neuron owners (as crazy as that may sound) used a lot of neuron writing to stop the no-doubt otherwise natural popularity of this film.
So that is often an indication that a movie is revealing many secrets. One character in the movie says that his name is "Hugo Gernsback"- the name of a man who published a book describing a machine (the menograph) that can record thought-audio. A scene near the end has a character say (paraphrasing) "what if we could send the message directly to the brain?". Great film, I highly recommend seeing it, and I am definitely looking forward to more wonderful movies like this one in the future.

The company Neuralink is launched. Neuralink is an neurotechnology company founded by Elon Musk, that is developing implantable brain-machine interfaces (BMIs).

01/12/2017: Scientists at Yale turn mice into killers when a brain circuit is triggered by a laser. New Scientists describes their work published in the journal "Cell":
"Inside every mouse lurks a natural-born killer. Researchers have identified the brain region that controls hunting, and have found a way to switch it on and off.
Ivan de Araujo at Yale University and his team have discovered that two sets of neurons in the mouse brain underpin the instinct to kill. One coordinates the pursuit of prey, while the other controls the neck and jaw muscles used for biting. Both are in the amygdala – the part of the brain involved in motivation, emotion and fear.
By modifying these neurons so they could be activated by laser light, a technique called optogenetics, the team were able to switch these circuits on whenever they wanted.
When the laser was off, the mice padded around their cages normally. But turning the laser on caused the mice to suddenly launch frenzied attacks on almost anything in their path: live crickets, fake insects or even sticks and bottle caps. After jumping on the "prey", the mice grabbed it with their paws and repeatedly sunk in their teeth.
Chasing versus biting
The researchers then blocked the action of each set of neurons in turn. When they blocked the neurons responsible for prey pursuit, the mice were slow to chase but still able to bite. Conversely, when they blocked the biting neurons, the mice pursued the prey but could not deliver a killing bite."

Take a look at this video:
"Mice Turn Into Killers When Brain Circuit Is Triggered By Laser"
"Scientists Used Light to Turn Mice into Stone Cold Killers"
Ivan E. de Araujo, et al, "Integrated Control of Predatory Hunting by the Central Nucleus of the Amygdala", Cell, Volume 168, ISSUE 1-2, P311-324.e18, January 12, 2017
Possibly now somebody is beaming on to our "sick to our stomach" neurons.

Nita A. Farahany, a professor at Duke University talks about actual EEG devices that allow thought to be seen- note that in my humble opinion we should use the term "thought-images" or "images of thought" to be clear to those who may have trouble understanding that much of thought is composed of thought-images and thought-audio.

Sure- seeing our thoughts will help us to improve ourselves, but for the love of humanity, seeing other people's thoughts will help us something like 1000x more.

The movie "Iboy" shows the main character with what looks like a kind of d2bw:

September 20, 2017 Lockheed makes public a video of their ATLAS laser detroying a distant airplane.

We coulda used this on 9/11 to knock down them drones!

04/24/2019 Sound of thought-audio is synthesized and played out loud using an internal implant that measures and translates the various neurons that activate when people try to talk into the few basic phonetic sounds of speech, like A, B, D, etc.
Anumanchipalli, Gopala K., et al. “Speech Synthesis from Neural Decoding of Spoken Sentences.” Nature, vol. 568, no. 7753, Apr. 2019, pp. 493–98, doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1119-1.

02/02/2020 Superbowl commerical from Budweiser (Bud Light Seltzer) comedically hints about how other humans might use technology to remotely control the muscles and neurons of another human - perhaps only being a legal industry for less than 100 years makes a people more thirsty for truth and more concerned about losing even more of the few rights we now have?


The movie M3gan shows what look like d2b windows in front of the M3gan robot.

08/23/2023 Researchers at the University of California San Francisco and other institutions, using 4 tiny implants (with 64 sensors each) on the outside surface of a woman's brain in an area associated with speech, are able to decode thought-audio (attempted speech) into actual speech with 80% reliability: Note how one of the authors only 54 years old died from pancreatic cancer before the paper was published.- could that have been some kind of remote controlled nanotech murder to cause fear into d2bw consumers interested in this field? Notice the use of the word exclude, "'s a huge amount of people that we exclude..." used by one of the scientists in the video

I routinely encounter what appears to be possibly d2bw consumers hinting about d2bw and/or rnraw, but here is a potential hint about a galvanization (or "beam-related death") that seems pretty clear, many of the KTLA (television station in Los Angeles) associates were no doubt upset to find that their colleague Sam Rubin suddenly died and so perhaps felt somewhat indignant enough to use the word "beam" in one of the videos (see below) talking about the death. Without too much doubt these news people see far more than average people see generally speaking since they are in the business of informing the public about what is happening around Los Angeles and around the rest of the world.

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