Do not receive direct-to-brain windows | Do receive direct-to-brain windows |
Do not receive direct-to-brain windows (see no windows or video squares in front of their eyes) | Do receive direct-to-brain windows (can see windows and video squares in front of their eyes) |
Can't see and hear video of people inside their houses | Can see and hear video of people inside their houses |
Can't remotely move the muscles of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains | Can remotely move the muscles of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains (although there probably are many exceptions) |
Can't hear ears (sounds of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains hear) | Can hear ears (sounds of what people, dogs, birds, cats, lizards, fish, and other species with brains hear) |
Can't see eyes (video of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains see) | Can see eyes (video of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains see) |
Can't hear thoughts (sounds of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains think) | Can hear thoughts (sounds of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains think) |
Can't see thoughts (images of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains think) | Can see thoughts (images of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains think) |
Can't remotely send sounds to the ears of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains | Can remotely send sounds to the ears of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains |
Can't remotely send images to the eyes of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains | Can remotely send images to the ears of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains |
Can't remotely send sounds to the thoughts of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains | Can remotely send sounds to the thoughts of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains |
Can't remotely send images to the thoughts of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains | Can remotely send images to the thoughts of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains |
Have to masturbate | Never have to masturbate |
Probably have no sexual partner | Definitely have at least one sexual partner |
Probably will not reproduce | Probably will reproduce |
Last to be hired, first to be fired | First to be hired, last to be fired |
Earn low wages | Earn high wages |
Probably are poor | Probably are wealthy |
Don't get to receive dream videos while sleeping | Do get to receive dream videos while sleeping |
Have their muscles remotely moved by unseen insiders | Don't have their muscles remotely moved by unseen insiders |
Are made to itch by unseen insiders using particles | Are not made to itch by unseen insiders using particles (although there probably are many exceptions) |
Are remotely sexually and nonsexually molested by unseen insiders using particles | Are not remotely sexually and nonsexually molested by unseen insiders using particles |
Can't buy ad time on radio for their song, and television through thought-net | Can buy ad time on radio for their song, and television through thought-net |
Can't get extra money through money-windows | Can get extra money through money-windows |
Can't be published | Can be published |
Can't be film, television, music or radio stars | Can be film, television, music or radio stars |
Can't buy ad time on radio for their song, and television through thought-net | Can buy ad time on radio for their song, and television through thought-net |
Outsiders | Insiders |
Excluded | Included |
Out | In |
Prey | Predators |
Tutsi | Hutu |
Watched | Watchers |
Stalked | Stalkers |
book readers | Neuron rapers |
Respect "privacy" | Extreme and shockingly intrusive voyeurs |
Mostly tell the truth | Mostly have to lie |
Can talk about remote and direct neuron reading and writing | Mostly can't talk about remote or direct neuron reading or writing |
Watch television and cable | Don't watch television and cable |
Have to use Google and the Internet | Don't have to use Google and the Internet |
Will be sent terrible suggestions to do violence, sexually inappropriate actions | Will not be sent terrible suggestions to do violence, sexually inappropriate actions |
Will have no defense against suggestions written to their brain, probably will conclude voice is from God, not from wealthy to poor evil idiot neuron rape-writers | Will know that voice in head is not from God or naturally occurring, but is from neuron rape-writer |