There are many difference between people who receive D2BW and those who are being denied this most basic service. Here are just a few.
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There really is a caste-like, class system with typical class-based differences that has arisen because of the hording of neuron reading and writing technology in addition to keeping it secret to even talk about openly. There are serious differences between insiders and outsiders- although they are not physical as much as they are societal.
Important differences between those who do not receive direct-to-brain windows and those that do:
Do not receive direct-to-brain windows Do receive direct-to-brain windows
Do not receive direct-to-brain windows (see no windows or video squares in front of their eyes) Do receive direct-to-brain windows (can see windows and video squares in front of their eyes)
Can't see and hear video of people inside their houses Can see and hear video of people inside their houses
Can't remotely move the muscles of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains Can remotely move the muscles of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains (although there probably are many exceptions)
Can't hear ears (sounds of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains hear) Can hear ears (sounds of what people, dogs, birds, cats, lizards, fish, and other species with brains hear)
Can't see eyes (video of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains see) Can see eyes (video of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains see)
Can't hear thoughts (sounds of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains think) Can hear thoughts (sounds of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains think)
Can't see thoughts (images of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains think) Can see thoughts (images of what people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains think)
Can't remotely send sounds to the ears of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains Can remotely send sounds to the ears of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains
Can't remotely send images to the eyes of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains Can remotely send images to the ears of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains
Can't remotely send sounds to the thoughts of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains Can remotely send sounds to the thoughts of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains
Can't remotely send images to the thoughts of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains Can remotely send images to the thoughts of people, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, and other species with brains
Have to masturbate Never have to masturbate
Probably have no sexual partner Definitely have at least one sexual partner
Probably will not reproduce Probably will reproduce
Last to be hired, first to be fired First to be hired, last to be fired
Earn low wages Earn high wages
Probably are poor Probably are wealthy
Don't get to receive dream videos while sleeping Do get to receive dream videos while sleeping
Have their muscles remotely moved by unseen insiders Don't have their muscles remotely moved by unseen insiders
Are made to itch by unseen insiders using particles Are not made to itch by unseen insiders using particles (although there probably are many exceptions)
Are remotely sexually and nonsexually molested by unseen insiders using particles Are not remotely sexually and nonsexually molested by unseen insiders using particles
Can't buy ad time on radio for their song, and television through thought-net Can buy ad time on radio for their song, and television through thought-net
Can't get extra money through money-windows Can get extra money through money-windows
Can't be published Can be published
Can't be film, television, music or radio stars Can be film, television, music or radio stars
Can't buy ad time on radio for their song, and television through thought-net Can buy ad time on radio for their song, and television through thought-net
Outsiders Insiders
Excluded Included
Out In
Prey Predators
Tutsi Hutu
Watched Watchers
Stalked Stalkers
book readers Neuron rapers
Respect "privacy" Extreme and shockingly intrusive voyeurs
Mostly tell the truth Mostly have to lie
Can talk about remote and direct neuron reading and writing Mostly can't talk about remote or direct neuron reading or writing
Watch television and cable Don't watch television and cable
Have to use Google and the Internet Don't have to use Google and the Internet
Will be sent terrible suggestions to do violence, sexually inappropriate actions Will not be sent terrible suggestions to do violence, sexually inappropriate actions
Will have no defense against suggestions written to their brain, probably will conclude voice is from God, not from wealthy to poor evil idiot neuron rape-writers Will know that voice in head is not from God or naturally occurring, but is from neuron rape-writer

And this caste system is set in stone - because the differences are so stark. It's hard for an excluded person to remember this truth. There simply are too many differences between those who get direct-to-brain windows and those who are excluded for there ever to be any mixing. It seems, not out of the realm of the possible that an excluded and included could have a lasting relationship, but it must be extremely rare. Mostly an included is never going to choose to even befriend an excluded- the analogy is like a Jewish human and non-Jewish human in Nazi Germany, and a black person and a white person in a slave state during slavory - there might be mixing, but it mostly doesn't happen. So as an excluded, you have an uphill battle of trying to find another excluded, all the while, receiving thought-audio from included who you probably never will see, who are definitely already in relationships- ans for many - more than one- with other included people.

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